
The needs of writers today for photography are more expansive than ever. Writers are often expected to have more than an excellent photo for a book jacket, but to have photos for conventions, blogging, podcasting twitter and facebook, in a variety of styles, expressing a range of emotions.

Writers connecting to their audience want photos that do more. This is a challenge I take on during the shoot. Together, we create a variety of looks so that clients can choose the photos that are right for them. It’s my goal to help people feel and look good when we take photos.

My rate for portrait photography is $240 which covers a two-hour shoot, the hosting for an online gallery and the post processing of 10 images you select. A makeup artist (highly recommended) can be provided for an extra fee.

Ursula Vernon, Digger

Ursula Vernon, Digger

“A photographer for those of us who believe we photograph badly.” -Ursula Vernon

Please e-mail me at jrblackwell at gmail dot com for a free consultation.

I have photographed writers such as Ursula Vernon, Mur Lafferty, J.C. Hutchins, Nathan Lowell, Tee Morris, Pip Ballantine, Jared Axelrod, PJ Schnyder, Brennan Taylor, David A. Hill Jr. and Filamena Young.

Click on any photo in the gallery below to make it larger.


“You made me interested in seeing myself. I don’t dislike myself, by any stretch. But I’m never fascinated to see myself. I never look at me, and say, “Whoa. Who is that dude?” You made me do that. You made me feel like I was supposed to be seen. I’ve never felt that way before.”David A. Hill Jr.

“. . .had a photoshoot with the amazing J. R. Blackwell, who is well known in the geek author community as “That person who can get a photo of you that makes you look cool and not nearly as bloated as other cameras think you are.” -Ursula Vernon

“J.R. Blackwell is one of the most talented people I know.” -Tee Morris

I can be reached at jrblackwell at gmail dot com