How To Follow J.R. Blackwell

Welcome to I am a writer and photographer who writes fiction, games, and takes loads of photos, from portraits to photojournalism.

I regularly blog here and write on various social media outlets. If you want to follow me online, here is a list of places you can do it, and what kind of content I put up there.

This Blog

This is where I write about the projects I’m working on and what’s going on with me. I write posts about how you are beautiful and show off pictures of delicious food. If I am writing games about velociraptors or fiction about a super villain, here is where you’ll find it. I write about two posts a week here. RSS Link


If you have a twitter account, and you only want to follow me one place, this is where you should do it. Everything goes here. Links to the blog, instagram from my photoshoots and projects ideas and 3am ramblings. They are all here: Twitter


Instagram puts you with me on my photoshoots. I often whip out my phone for a photo if I’m somewhere doing something interesting. Currently on there? Feeding a giraffe, cosplay, a tank in the park, an owl,booze, skaters, beaches, and my new haircut. If you wanted to follow me while I committed acts of journalism, this is the way to do that. Instagram


I mostly talk about photography and games on G+.  If you follow me on G+ it’s likely you’ll get a lot of links back here and games. G+


If Tumblr is your blogging platform of choice, you can follow me there. Mostly I post photos and links back to this blog. Tumblr

Philadelphia Weekly

I am a freelance photographer for Philadelphia Weekly. I do a photoshoots for them every week, which gets me backstage at the theater, front row of the show and at the table for some of Philadelphia’s most delicious food. I’ve gotten to hear Spike Lee talk about Kickstarter, eat raw salmon and wander in a crowd of naked bikers. If you are a Philly person, and want to see my photos, you can certainly check out PW either online or by getting a paper copy from the yellow boxes.  PW

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