The Poly Wedding Deal

Wedding: DJ and MikeI want to add a poly wedding to my portfolio. I want to do this because I think it would be an interesting project, but also because I’d love to shoot more of them in the future.

The wedding industry can be a conservative place, and while I can swear up and down that I welcome all loving people to hire me, having an actual example of that does far more than my words could ever do.

So, I am offering HALF OFF my normal rates to the FIRST poly group to book me for their wedding/commitment ceremony.

I reached out to my friend Minx about this, and explained what I wanted to do, and she was kind enough to put my offer up on poly weekly, so if you came from there, welcome! Minx also did a great job of explaining the kinds of loving groups I’m looking for, which was so sweet. You can hear that episode here:

You can check out my wedding portfolio here if you want to get a look at my style:

To take advantage of this offer, you need to have an actual date, and while I am pleased to be able to offer half off my normal rate, I can’t budge on the travel costs. I’m only offering this to one group, so if you want to take advantage, please do so now. I’ll add a note to this post when someone contacts me.

If you have a date, and you want to book me, e-mail me at jrblackwell at gmail dot com and lets set it up!

2 thoughts on “The Poly Wedding Deal

    • I am a HUGE Offbeat Bride fan. HUGE. They featured my wedding on their site, AND a awesome wedding I shot where the bride and groom had these amazing outfits. One person wrote to me and described that couple as “impossibly beautiful” which was just completely dead on.

      Anyway, they linked to me and I didn’t even ask for it! Which is even more amazing! I don’t know how they found me and my offer but: YAY! Did you clue them in? They are only one of my favorite sites on the internet <–FANGIRL

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